My Routine
We have made it to Day 3. I am already starting to see so many positive benefits. One thing keeps circulating in my mind. Why did I wait so long?! My daily routine currently does not involve work since I am quarantined. I wake up each day and take my daily meds which includes Zyrtec and a multivitamin. During Covid, I have added Cold and Flu doses every 4-6 hours, ibuprofen twice daily, and mucinex to thin the buildup of mucous in my throat and chest to hopefully avoid it from settling in the lungs. One big piece of advice for all out there. Covid hits you FAST. Like nothing you have probably ever experienced before. I went from being totally fine feeling to a thick coarse congestion and hardening in my upper respiratory system within 8 hours. Thankfully my body's own immune system and the meds are keeping me from a worst case situation of pneumonia. Following the pills, I drink my first 28 oz serving of water and head for a 45 min walk. Workout 1 of 2 is complete. Upon coming home, I took my progress picture. I then begin my diet of the following meals throughout the day:
Meal #1 Protein Shake (160 calories)
Meal #2 2 eggs, 1 serving egg whites, 1 serving cheddar cheese, half a serving of rice, 1 low carb wrap
Meal #3 6-8 oz of lean protein and lettuce with light dressing
Meal #4 6-8 oz of lean protein and a 3 serving steam bag of veggies
Meal #5 Protein Shake with one serving blueberries and one serving of spinach
I make sure and eat spread out about 2-3 hours between each meal, except for #1 and #2. I eat those approximately within the same hour or so.
My current reading list since I started #75Hard has been:
75Hard by Andy Frisella (finished 1-11-22)
Coach Wooden's Leadership Game Plan For Success: 12 Lessons for Extraordinary Performance and Personal Excellence by John Wooden and Steve Jamison
I have added this to my days as previously stated just because I want to start writing on a regular basis. I want to be able to look back on this badass undertaking as the reward for my hard work. I can already sense the satisfaction it will bring. It truly is intoxicating. Rather than think about what I cannot have or have to miss out on, I am constantly finding myself daydreaming about what I will accomplish professionally or what my wife will think when she sees me pop my shirt off and hop into our pool in years to come. It may only be day 3, but the drive and passion is there. Keep following my journey and comment or message if you feel like it.